The man behind Les Vignes de Babass is called Sebastien Dervieux, but people know him as Babass. He is originally a musician who is now making wines in Beaulieu-sur-Layon, just south of Angers, near where the Layon river flows into the Loire.

Babass started as a winemaker for Les Griottes along with Patrick Desplats in 2000. The two of them were rebels in Anjou, as they skipped sulfites during the whole vinification. He now makes his own wines from Chenin, Cabernet Franc and Grolleau grapes, where some have been growing since around 1956 or 1957. His wines taste amazing and are as natural as a wine can be from the hands of humans.

Together with Jean-Christophe Garnier, Babass is also the organizer of Les Vins Anonymes, in Angers, an event that is basically a gathering of similarly-minded artisan vignerons making wine without sulfites and working naturally all along, including in the vineyard.